We need volunteers to help make 2024 an AWESOME year for our Hamilton Football Program and Players! Many hands make light work. To that end we ask that each family volunteer for at least 5 hours of service this year.
Look for volunteer opportunities through our weekly newsletter.
Pre-game Meal Volunteers
Hep serve our boys at all levels a meal before each game. As little as one hour shifts. Look for sign up genius links in the future or though emails from your Team Mom.
2024 Varsity Spirit Wear
Spirit wear at the Varsity home games is from 6:15p to ~ 8:30p. This is typically a great place for Freshman & JV parents to volunteer. As little as 2 hours. Look for sign up genius links in the future or through emails from your Team Mom.
Spirit Wear sales will be limited at Freshman and JV home games. If you have a teenager looking for volunteer hours, please let us know.
2024 Banquet Planning Committee
Help us make this the best Banquet yet! Look for more information to come. If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact your Team Mom.
Volunteers Needed
If you feel like you want to get plugged in to the Gridiron and make a difference for our program, please consider volunteering. Please email hamiltongridironclub@gmail.com for more info.
Team Meals
Chain Gang
Spirit Wear
Youth Night Coordinator